{ Metzgar Family Blog }


Sunday, December 8

Meredith turns ONE

at the beach!!
What better place to have your first birthday!
 So, you know I'm a big birthday party person.
We were on vacation. She was turning ONE.
Everyone was already there.
And I didn't see the use in putting up lots
of decorations adn such. So I didn't. Di was
running to the store so I had her pick up a cake and
a single smash cupcake.
 That's what we did.
The cake was big and she actually stuck her
foot in the icing at one point so we took that away and
 gave her her cupcake.
She didn't know what she was supposed to do with it.
Especially with everyone starring at her!
Once we started to sing...
she started to cry.
After a few minutes, she sat in her highchair and
I sat the cupcake in front of her and she figured it out.
She swiped the icing over and over and licked it off her fingers.
She got a little messy, but not too much.
Emma ate her first cake with a spoon.
Maddox smashed and crammed the whole thing in his mouth.
Tanner made a mess, but didn't eat much.
First birthdays in the books for us!
Happy Birthday Sweet MerMer.
You have no idea how much we love and adore you.
God's little gift to us.

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"Enjoy this moment,
For this moment is your life."