{ Metzgar Family Blog }


Saturday, October 5

busy little girl

Ms. Meredith Ann started walking and wow! she
has found (as Pastor Don would say) a plethora of
things to get into! She hasn't stopped for nothing or nobody.
She is a super big help in the kitchen.
Got all my cabinets cleaned out for me.
And of course no childhood is complete without
the toilet paper parties.
That stuff is so fascinating how it just
keeps on rolling and rolling and rolling right
off that tube.
Mer has also discovered the art table.
She likes to climb up in the chair, grab a colored
pencil and pretend to scribble on whatever happens
to be close by.
Sometimes when she can't reach a pencil or crayon,
she goes on ahead and climbs up on the table.
One day I come around the corner to find her doing this...
She is obsessed with trying to draw on this
drawing that is hanging up.
Haven't taken her down and away from at
least 5 or 6 times, but she keeps going back with a
crayon trying to draw on it. She managed to get
a few swipes of red on the frame before I could
get her.  She's such a fun little girl.
She so very smart and determined.
and busy!

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"Enjoy this moment,
For this moment is your life."