After living here for about a year now,
there are still more than a few big blank walls in our house.
For example the dining room...
the master bedroom...
the living room..
the office...
Madd's room...
Guest room..
O.K. you get the point. Big blank walls.
I've been trying not to stress Mark into a coma by spending
thousands of dollars on decorating. (at least not all at once! ;)
But this one is driving me nuts! It has to go! It's the first thing you see when you walk up stairs.
Big blank wall!
I had trouble finding the right thing to hang over the couch at the last house too.
So let's see that's...uh...7 years now...SEVEN. YEARS. that I've not liked the wall behind the couch. I think it's time to put something, anything up there! I found this idea over at TDC'S blog and I loved it.
The wall that I'm working with is not as tall as hers (was at the other house, too bad I didn't know this then.) but, I think I'm going to go for it. What do ya think? I love the molding. I love how she painted the inside a different color. So I'm taking her idea but adding my own flair. I don't think I'm going to hang something in the middle, I have another idea. And of course I will choose my own paint color and if I can talk Mark into it I may add 2 more molding boxes on the sides. Plus this is going to be a fairly cheap project and very simple. (crosses fingers)
I'll keep you posted. I'm hoping to be done with it by the end of next week!
Love it! glad to see your back!
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