Tanner said his first baby word!
Of course, since I'm the one that has taken care of him around the clock since he was born naturally he would say 'mama' first but NO his first word was 'emma'! Gah. He loves that girl. It's really cute though that he would say his big sister's name first. He loves her so much. And she loves him too. Tonight while E was in the tub Tanner kept toddling in there saying 'mma, mma'. My heart puddles.
On a different note, today has been exhausting. I heard Tanner on the monitor this morning at 5:45. Jeez. We cannot sleep late around here to save our lives. The time change has completely screwed us all up. Maddox came down to our bed at 6am on Sunday, which you know in old time is 5AM! My one hour didn't count because the baby that sleeps all night cried for an hour on that night. Mark and I took shifts holding him. I still don't know what his problem was.
So goes life with kids.
Today, and every Monday I hope, I went to Y to work out in the early AM. By early I mean 8:30ish. I love my kids as much as anyone else but Madd doesn't have school on Mondays and pretty much Mark never comes home from work lately so Whew! 12 hours with Maddox duty by myself is more than my feeble nerves can handle. So we go to the Y to re-charge, get out of the house, and have a break from one another. I would also love to grow some guns, but don't keep your fingers crossed about that. I don't think that happens by only going once a week.
Now that I just said that about my first born son I would also like to add that I love my son. Every.mother. whether they admit it or not needs some time away from their kids. All their own. It's our duty to them to refuel so that we can then give them the love and attention that they need. I feel like I have sometimes said too many negatives about my Maddox and not enough positives. I am a firm believer in speaking God's word over my children and proclaiming the goodness that God has for them and the most perfect way that HE has created them. So as I write this I feel sad and guilty that I have portrayed Maddox in the wrong way. Maddox is a b.o.y. And that is exactly what he is supposed to be. He is mischievous, rambunctious, silly, active, rough, curious, loving, sensitive, sweet, and very cute. Maddox is only 3. He acts 3. Because he is 3. He is unique and perfect. And destined for greatness....mark my words.
After the Y visit this morning, I cleaned out the garage, mowed the back yard, cleaned up the attic, and listed items on craigslist. I'm pooped. As I type this I am snuggled up with my feet propped up watching t.v. while Mark is mopping the floor on his hands and knees. BACK OFF....he's mine! :)
Emma wanted to ride the bus just like every up and coming Kindergartner and so she did and she got scared that first day because the bus didn't have seat belts. That never occurred to her before. Then she went on a school field trip, loved the bus ride and so we're back ON!
I can't tell you how happy I am about her being happy about riding the bus.
All the loading and unloading of kids into the van is a bit much for me.
I like this much better.
She has friends on the bus and her bus driver goes to our church.
Here's the boys going down to the bus stop to wait for Emma.
And one cute funny before I go.
Tonight in the bathtub Emma was rubbing this soap bar on her boo on her leg.
She looks at me and says, "Pretend this is OxyClean and it can take this boo boo away!"
Ummm..maybe too many commercials.
Kids are so funny.
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