{ Metzgar Family Blog }


Wednesday, May 25


My kids love to swim.
Since we practically live at Grandma and Papa's pool in the summer we definitely need lessons every year.
For two years each, Emma and Maddox had ISR (infant swim rescue) lessons. LOVED them.
Would not trade that experience for anything.
We skipped last year because Tanner was so small and I was, well, so tired.
Three kids under 5 can wear.you.out. people.

Anyway, this year because Emma is in school and softball, Maddox is in MDO and soccer, and then there's some need for Tanner to nap at some point during the day PLUS gas is SO expensive we decided to do private lessons at our YMCA.  We have been so blessed with all our swim teachers and this year was the same. Ms. Stephanie worked so well with them.

I only got lessons for Emma and Maddox. I plan to work with Tanner on my own for this year and will put him in formal lessons next year. I feel like I know enough from watching the others for two years in ISR that I can teach him the floating technique. 

Ms. Stephanie was really impressed with Emma's abilitly to swim strokes. Especially backstroke and free style.  She insisted that I put her in a summer swim league and I'm looking for a close one, but I fear that time is running out because I think most start on June 1.

On our first day they were both a little nervous. Maddox more so than Emma. 
 He didn't know what to expect from his teacher and it had been many, many months since he was in the water.
Pool water. Not bath water. Ha!
Anyway, during the first lesson I didn't know that I would be able to get in the pool with Tanner.
I figured we would just have to sit and watch. So I didn't bring bathing suits. Tanner did this the whole time.

Which of course got him (and me) very wet.
After that I brought both our suits.

He was nervous at first and by then end he was wanting me to throw the diving ring onto the top step so he could go get it by himself! He screamed and cried when I rolled him on his back until about the last 2 lessons. He figured I was going to do it anyway so he may as well stop crying.

He did great. My advice would be to get your babies in the water early and don't be afraid to dunk em'!
Tanner liked it when I sit him on the side of the pool and then pulled him off by his hands.
OH! Emma also learned some basic diving.
She was in heaven.

Swim lessons are over for this year.
But the swimming will last all summer!
See you at the pool!

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"Enjoy this moment,
For this moment is your life."