{ Metzgar Family Blog }


Monday, November 4

One Year CheckUp

Necessary Evil.
FOUR one year shots plus the
FLU shot and a finger prick.
Poor baby.
She is tough as nails.
Only cried until I picked her up.
Sweet chunky legs.
She wore those band-aids for 3 days.
I couldn't bear ripping them off.
No fever.
No soreness.
So thankful for a wonderful doctor
and healthy children.
 At one year Mer can say
Daddy (Daeeee)
Hi (Hieeeee)
One year check up weight - 18 little pounds.
How is she already ONE?
I will do a birthday post (and more beach posts) when I get all
my pictures from the old computer onto this new computer.

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"Enjoy this moment,
For this moment is your life."