{ Metzgar Family Blog }


Saturday, November 23

silly little tanner

I love this little guy.
He is funny and so silly.
He loves to laugh.
He loves to make all of us laugh.
I wanted him to show me he if four, but he was too silly.
He had been playing with my camera taking pictures
of Meredith's head which he ,of course, thought was hilarious.
Little stinker.
He talks my head off on the days he stays home.
Never ending chatter about all things boy.
He loves to help me in the kitchen, do puzzles and play with
play dough.  We sometimes run errands and if he wants to buy
something but I tell him no, he says, 'we will just get it next time.'
He always ask for ice cream at the Dollar Store and I never get it.
I do some times buy him some M&M's.  The other day he got
so excited when we walked in the Dollar store and they had moved
 the ice cream case to the front of the store. Probably the only customer that
noticed that all day.
He has chapped lips.
I can't get ahead of them.
I try to keep Vaseline on during the day and
Carmex at night, but he licks too much and plays outside
a lot. Tanner's a good boy. He wants to please and do the right thing.
When we ask him to do something he says, 'Got it!'
Silly is good. I want him to stay sweet and silly.
No growing up allowed.

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"Enjoy this moment,
For this moment is your life."