{ Metzgar Family Blog }


Monday, April 9

a new baby

a new baby.

for us too.
God has HIS own plans.

Everyone has been very supportive and excited for us.
I am adjusting.
As you do with any addition.
I didn't plan it so it's thrown me for a little loop.
I will be so super excited to meet my new baby and
see what God has planned for our family.

The ultrasound picture is from a 10 week visit.
We were totally guessing on all the dates so
we had an early ultrasound to determine a due date.
I thought I was probably around 6 weeks.
Nope. 10.
I am now 12 weeks.
Due date is October 25th.

We told the kids on Easter morning.
I set a little egg out with a picture of the ultrasound in it and
a little banner that said, 'a new little chick'
Emma got excited thinking we had gotten them a real chick.

They were so happy when they found out.
Emma was like a megaphone all day, telling everyone she saw.
She's excited.
She wants a sister.
She said the picture looked like a girl.
We let Tanner be a surprise in the delivery room.
That was fun for that one time.
But it was alot to take in at once.
I wanted to just enjoy and admire my 'baby' but
I also had to think...It's a boy, It's a boy, Its' a boy.
We will find out this time.
And maybe have a really cute reveal with the whole family.
Plus I want to buy some super cute sleepers and gowns.
That's the fun part, right?
I've been gahhing over the sweet clothes in the stores,
then I snap back to reality as my other 3 are running around my feet.

I like this quote:
"A baby is a sign that God is not yet disappointed with mankind."
I am daily doing my best to make these children into disciples for CHRIST.
I fail miserably. lots.
But the point is that I don't give up.

I also know:
Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..."

Babies are miracles.
Never mistakes.
Babies are precious gifts.
We are humbled.


Unknown said...

soooooo happy for you Heather!!!Gauri told me yesterday about this..i was so excited.Congrats!!!

amanda persinger said...

the egg idea was SO cute!! You know I am happy and very excited for you! you are a wonderful mother with 4 or 400 kids :o) .... and BTW I better be invited to the big reveal ; )

Kim Porter said...

so excited for you, Heather!!!

"Enjoy this moment,
For this moment is your life."